« Hopefully good luck will still find me. But I might not always be found at my desk. »

I must pin this on my fridge ❤️

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100% agree. Totally live by this. Born lucky ✌️

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Hi Jen! I love your 100 day project. Brilliant! Warm and beautifully drawn with so much love. I love your energy, your spirit. my thoughts on luck. 🍀 lucky people experience all the downs like ‘not that lucky’ people, BUT they concentrate on the positive happenings. ‘Lucky’ people grief, are sad, cry, but afterwards they turn the page, stay up in the morning and greet the new day with a smile and compassion. ‘Lucky’ people embrace the luck, celebrate it and manifest it.

You are an inspiration!

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Jan 8Liked by Jennifer Jamieson

Yup - agree! I think that’s why it’s important to separate the goals from the luck. Acknowledging that part of it is out of our control is soooo hard, but at the same time so freeing! It’s bonkers. Thanks for talking about this.

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Jan 8Liked by Jennifer Jamieson

I love your goal of a more balanced year. I need that too! Definitely agree that luck is an essential element that makes up success, but I particularly love what you said about feeling the need to always be prepared to receive that luck, and how that can sometimes feel stressful. I think social media has magnified that feeling...like, “must keep up!”...some kind of FOMO...FOMA? (Fear of Missing Algorithm). Haha. Cheers to a lucky 2024!

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